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Transforming Woodbridge Townhomes: A Landscape Success Story

Woodbridge Townhomes in the Broadmore Hotel area of Colorado

The prestigious Broadmoor resort area is a legendary resort located in beautiful Colorado Springs, CO.

Many people live in Colorado Springs because of the vast opportunities to explore the mountains, fish the streams, and hike the canyons that have inspired generations.

One local townhome community had a desire to maintain the aesthetic appeal of a Colorado Lifestyle in their landscape but their efforts at containing their natural-looking landscape were met with frustration. Although the complex has a professional landscape maintenance company providing many services, the rocks and mulch would still spill over into their grass. Many of the residents are retired and they focus a lot of attention on their landscapes and desire to increase the curb appeal. The maintenance company, Bearclaw Landscaping, suggested that Woodbridge give A Better Edge a call.

The Call

When we originally met with a few members of the HOA, the council stated their desire for increased curb appeal and requested a quote. Our quote met the budget and we were set to make a difference.

A few meetings, both in person and via video, solidified various details such as styling, color, prep work, post-job clean-up responsibility, irrigation concerns, etc.

Consultation: Work Begins

When the date was set, our team walked the property with various members of the association to confirm details.

When everyone felt comfortable, we began the prep process. Preparation of the A Better Edge concrete border system can include many things depending on the needs and budget of each project. Some clients prefer to do much of the work themselves. Some prefer to hire out all of the prep and post-project clean-up/irrigation work. Woodbridge wanted us to do all the preparation and installation of the borders but decided to have Bearclaw, their maintenance company, do the post-job irrigation and fill-in work. This made a win-win for all involved.

Transformation: A New Look for Woodbridge

With the project underway, A Better Edge’s team expertly began the process of installing our unique concrete border system. Each step was meticulously planned and executed, ensuring minimal disruption to the residents’ daily lives.

Our team worked diligently to create borders that not only contained the mulch and rocks but also added an elegant, natural stone-like appearance to the landscape. The choice of colors and styles was carefully made to complement the existing aesthetic of the Woodbridge Townhomes and the surrounding Broadmoor area.

The Impact: Enhanced Beauty and Functionality

Upon completion, the transformation was evident. The once unruly edges were now neatly defined, bringing a sense of order and beauty to the community’s outdoor spaces.

Residents immediately noticed the difference. The new borders effectively prevented the spill-over of landscaping materials, reducing the maintenance burden and preserving the pristine condition of the lawns.

The aesthetic enhancement was remarkable. The concrete borders blended seamlessly with the natural surroundings, elevating the overall curb appeal and reflecting the community’s commitment to maintaining an upscale environment.

Feedback from the Community

The response from the Woodbridge community was overwhelmingly positive. Residents expressed their appreciation for the improved look and functionality of the landscaping.

Testimonials from HOA members and residents highlighted their satisfaction with the quality of work and the professionalism of A Better Edge’s team. Many noted that the new borders were not just a landscaping improvement but a

Testimonials trom HOA members and residents highlighted their satisiaction with the quality or work and the professionalism of A Better Edge’s team. Many noted that the new borders were not just a landscaping improvement but a valuable addition to their property.

Conclusion: A Lasting Legacy

The project at Woodbridge Townhomes stands as a testament to A Better Edge’s commitment to excellence and our ability to transform community spaces.

Today, the residents of Woodbridge enjoy a more beautiful, low-maintenance landscape that aligns perfectly with the prestigious nature of the Broadmoor resort area.

Your Community’s Transformation Awaits

Is your community or home in need of a landscaping upgrade? Contact A Better Edge today to discover how our concrete landscape borders can redefine your outdoor space. Let us help you achieve the perfect balance of beauty and practicality, just as we did for the Woodbridge Townhomes.

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